Hello to whoever is out there reading my crazy ass stories, me bitching and complaining I just wanted you guys to know that I am
using this as my personal diary. Yeah you heard right why not I know some of
yall or any of
yall are prob thinking why would I want the world to see, well like the saying goes if I put it out there in the world then it's no longer mines! Of course there will be certain things that I will keep to myself or certain situations that others may be involved and I will not want to put there business out! To be honest I have 5 followers and thank GOD for them but I
don't think any one reads this stuff anyway so hey why not I wish I had more followers but it is what it is they will come! So if you are following and reading this there will be topics that maybe to much if so I understand, I just wanted everyone to know that this is where I can vent and voice my
opinion without
scrutiny so if you
don't like it GET OVER IT!
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