The web and baller scene is all a buzz about Mr. Bryant Kobe was handed paternity papers …Here’s what we’re being told, “Right around the time Tiger Woods was involved in his whole affair mess , a girl Kobe was mixed up with earlier in the year gave birth to his ‘alleged’ child…Kobe paid for her to live in Italy for the last year..She’s returned to the states and is now seeking legal rights.” REALLY KOBE, here is my thing if you are gonna cheat you are gonna cheat no one can stop you or babysit you, but the one thing the cheater can do for there family is WEAR A DAMN CONDOM! Why risk bringing home a fatal disease you are already risking bringing home a child so why not bag it up? I DON'T GET IT! Some times I wish I can be the old me and cheat and have no remorse for the other persons feelings...( THIS WILL BE A WHOLE POST)..But then again why would I want a person that I so called LOVE to be put through that! I'M JUST SAYING!
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