Monday, February 28, 2011
Ok so over the weekend I get the chance to watch/catch up on all my shows OPRAH being one of them! Over the last week she really had some good episodes one being the with Iyanla Vanzant. All I can say is Oprah is the woman! Oprah got Iyanla to open up about why she left, her failed marriage, and the loss of her multi million dollar empire! During the interview Iyanla made a good point about how she handle her finances the way she did AND I QUOTE " I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS IN MY POCKET , BUT MY MIND SET WAS STILL ON GETTING A WELFARE CHECK" & " IN ORDER FOR US TO GET MONEY WE DON'T HAVE TO SPEND EVERYTHING WE HAVE ( stop living pay check to pay check). For the two I am GUILTY, I realized that when I get paid I don't have to go and spend all my money because that is the only way to get money, there isn't a problem to save! It prob is not making sense to you guys but it was my AHA moment! So from next paycheck on I will make a conscience effort to only spend what I have to and not the rest, keeping this mind frame I can build a savings! WISH ME LUCK!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I did it! Day 2 in the gym, I cant lie I did not want to be there but if I want the body to be ready for 2011 summer I gots to do what I gots to do! So again I am patting myself on the back!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
If it ain't one thing its another!!!
So the other half gets a call from his aunt saying that his mother is in the hospital they found a spot on her lung and want to do more testing! Lawd that's all they need she is a breast cancer survivor...LORD I LIFT MY OTHER HALF FAMILY/MOTHER TO U!!!!!
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REALLY...One Monkey don't stop this show!
Well today like I said in my earlier post I was going to the gym...WELL I WENT! YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FOR ME! The kicker in this story is I grab my gym bag and my Itouch and get to walking to the gym as I get in the front of the gym, I go in my bag to get my ID out and then I realized NO GYM PANTS! My first thought was to turn around and use that as an excuse not to work out...NOT! I pressed on yes sir, I worked out in my work pants but change into my work out shirt. So I must say PROUD OF ME! I just pray that I will go the rest of the week. I feel good let's see how sore I will be in a few days!
Monday, February 21, 2011

Hello Yall ( IN MY BRITTNEY SPEARS VOICE ) I did not get to post anything over the weekend, well I guess I didn't have nothing to post/talk about! The one thing I will say I AM TIRED AS HELL......I don't know who told me to roll over and get some at 3:45 in the morning, BUT LAWD IT WAS WORTH IT! I think I'm also tired because yesterday I had a headache and I was at a friends house and asked if anybody had something, well yes they did his mother as a matter of fact, she gave me a yellow pill LORD OH WHY! NEVER AGAIN!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Hard to believe!

You know, when a person has been cheated on and decides to take the person back and work out there differences, sometimes its hard to believe the things they say. I did let go of the whole cheating thing but it's still that 10% of me that says YEAH FUCKING RIGHT YOU AIN'T CHANGE! All I do know is I love him and accept him flaws and all! If anything from this situation I learned to love unconditionally and how to forgive! True colors will eventually come out until then I will take what he says for face value until GOD shows me different!
I can honestly say I love my Job, I love my supervisors, my coworkers even when they do get on my nerves! The problem I have are the departments and the people they hire sometimes seem really I don't want to use the word DUMB so I will say slow! They use the same system everyday but wants to keep you on the phone and hold there hand ! I have been on the phone with this one lady for the last 19 minutes MIND YOU SHE IS NOT NEW, but no matter what I will give the best customer service/help desk/system specialist there is! I can't lie there are times when I am rewarded for my hard work and they show appreciation for what I do it lets me know my hard work is not in vain! DEAR HEAVENLY FATHER I WANT TO THANK YOU FOR BLESSING ME WITH A PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT
Ricky Dillard & New G - There Is No Way, featuring Nikki Ross
Ricky Dillard & New G - I Surrender All, featuring Nikki Ross
Every time I hear this song it gets to my heart, this young lady Nikki Ross has such an anointing on her voice. Enjoy!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
It's nothing worst than a grown ass man who still pisses on the toilet....OH WAIT there is a grown ass man who doesn't wipe up his piss after he pissed on toilet......UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It's real simple once you see you have finished draining the snake and there are drops of piss on the toilet get a tissue and wipe it up! It's not rocket science people!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Homophobic jamaicans Live from Jamaica
So as I was catching up on AOL Black voices and came across this video by a young man named Duke Powell. Powell was in Jamaica when he interviewed a male regarding homosexuality, when the male was asked why are Gay people hated so much in Jamaica his reply was " The bible says it's not right" Powell informed him that the bible also states that it's okay to kill a man, the male had no response! It's a damn shame that hate is spewed like that across America, I decided to go to youtube where Powell has a channel and when I found this video the responses from people were so scary below I copied some of the viewers response to this video :
Why do gays always say they were born that way? Most homosexuals were molested during their earlier childhood years. At least the ones who are not ashamed to talk about it. It seems as though it was a learned behavior. Homosexuals are a product of molestation. Therefore, it was a choice they learned to ACCEPT. It's like a bad habit that you found pleasure in, but can't seem to stop.
If gays made the choice to accept that behavior, why can't we have our choice to not accept it?"
TheEbonyTV 2 hours ago
"The Serpent and his forked tongue want to conquer all the true Warriors! Death To All BATTY BWOY!!!
AsiaticDisciple 1 day ago"
" The homosexual thing is wrong because it is not right to put your thing in the butt. Then after the ass you put it in the mouth EWEEEEE"
I could of let you guys see more but I could no longer read the hatred, GOD makes no mistake and we all was created from his image. If it's wrong to love another human either male or female , would GOD punishing me for loving someone?????????????? WHY how another lives there life it bothers so many, I will never get it and you know what I don't want to get it!
The Celebrity Apprentice: "She's Here"
I have not been a fan of Celebrity Apprentice only when nothing was on, but after watching this clip IT'S A MUST SEE!
El DeBarge - Lay With You ft. Faith Evans
My prayers go out to him and his family!

"I hate to disappoint my fans but it is necessary for me to take the time to work on me so that I may continue to share my music and my story with everyone. I thank everyone in advance for their prayers and well wishes and hope that you will respect my privacy during this time," stated DeBarge."
For those out in the world that think FAME is what they want it's a hard game to play! This man has been clean and sober for years and tried to come back on the scene with a come back cd and look what happens. Screw the fame I want the Money!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Just when u think u have it bad!!!
So when I thought my day was going bad....I get a text from a dear friend of mines that her father is in the hospital with kidney failure again. He was just in there and he made a excellent turn around....GOD if you are telling me to suck it up then that is what I'm goona do. I always think that my problems are the worst and he always shows me there is someone out there doing worst then me!!!
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If it ain't one thing its another!!!
Ok so the other half had the breaks done on is way to pick me up, he heard the right tire making noise,he checks the nuts to make sure they were screwed on....not one, not two, but three of the nuts are stripped and not holding the tire properly...GOD PLEASE I.HAVE MERCY ON US, I CAN'T AFFORD A CAR AND I HAVE TO GET TO WORK...I JUST WANT TO CRY
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Beyonce - Scared of lonely (with lyrics)
Ok so since my last post...I started to think I"M SCARED OF BEING LONELY! He is my best friend, and my lover!

I really hate when my other half is sad or hears some bad news! It makes me sad to see him sad or hurt, not to mention there self esteem goes down the drain! He found out that money he was expecting he is no longer getting, which can cause problems. WHAT PROBLEMS well he already feels like he is a burden since being layed off, he is the type of man that is a real man and feels he should be taking care of home, being that he doesnt feel like he is able to take care of home he feels he needs to leave until he can do better by me. Who would not want a man like that......ME....but here is my thing if we are a couple we are a team I will have your back when times are good and bad ( SOUNDS LIKE A RECORD RIGHT) bad times don't last forever yes times will be tight, we will not be able to do certain things but shit alot of people can't! I love him wholeheartedly and uncondtionally I just pray that he see's that! I just hate it to see him down! Pray for us....OMG I am crying as I write this, I love him so much and don't want to loose him, but I know if the situation doesn't get better it will no longer be us....JUST ME!

Okay in the last few months I have put on weight, some in the WRONG places and some in the RIGHT places, when I say right I mean my ASS! I love everything about it I love the way it looks and feels, its thick! I never really had a big ass so when you get one you better hold on too it! Here is the dilemma I am ready to go back to the gym and of course I know with that comes losing weight, but losing my ass HELL TO THE NAW! If anybody out here is reading this, how can I keep my ass and get rid of the weight I no longer want? PLEASE HELP!

The web and baller scene is all a buzz about Mr. Bryant Kobe was handed paternity papers …Here’s what we’re being told, “Right around the time Tiger Woods was involved in his whole affair mess , a girl Kobe was mixed up with earlier in the year gave birth to his ‘alleged’ child…Kobe paid for her to live in Italy for the last year..She’s returned to the states and is now seeking legal rights.” REALLY KOBE, here is my thing if you are gonna cheat you are gonna cheat no one can stop you or babysit you, but the one thing the cheater can do for there family is WEAR A DAMN CONDOM! Why risk bringing home a fatal disease you are already risking bringing home a child so why not bag it up? I DON'T GET IT! Some times I wish I can be the old me and cheat and have no remorse for the other persons feelings...( THIS WILL BE A WHOLE POST)..But then again why would I want a person that I so called LOVE to be put through that! I'M JUST SAYING!
2011 Grammy Awards | Cee Lo Green, Gwyneth Paltrow and Muppets"Forget Yo...

What does Valentines day mean to you?

Friday, February 11, 2011
Not a good feeling!
I'm in a situation where I don't know what to do! I love him GOD knows I do! I will have his back support him and uplift him as much as I can but if the cheating starts again I'm GONE! I love him but I LOVE ME MORE! I will not let his infidelity make my self esteem and self worth go down the drain! NO MA'AM not me! When will enough be enough, yeah he has stood by my side when Iwas sick and been in the hospital, but I also stood by his side too when he was unemployeed not once but yet again! I feel like we are where we were 2 years ago, but this time I will not hold on HE CAN GO! I can do bad by myself! All this is being said to say ENOUGH IS A FUCKING NOUGH! If a man can't value the trasure he has in you BOUNCE! MUAH!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
It's funny how life throw's us curve ball, sometimes I feel like DAMN can I get break! But to be honest with you they are lesson that I need to learn! THANK YOU GOD FOR PROBLEMS AND ALL!
LAWD can I be honest, I love the fact that I have a job that I enjoy and pays the bills, but when I tell you waking up in the morning for me is like taking a child to the doctor! My alarm goes off every day @ 6:30 am, I lie too you not I press the snooze button 5 times before I even get out the bed. I finally get out of the bed to go to the bathroom and put on a pot of coffee, I GET BACK IN THE BED! Now its 7:15 I get up, get my cup of coffee and then I GET BACK IN THE BED! I fall back to sleep for 10 minutes and before I know it 7:45 rolls around and I am rushing! I HAVE GOT TO DO BETTER! Does anyone else have this problem?
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Avery*Sunshine "I Got Sunshine" on Good Day Xtra
This is one of the most talented sisters that have been slept on! I had the pleasure of seeing her in concert and was blown away, take a listen!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Can you turn a hoe into a houswife?
A friend and myself had a conversation about a person we both know. The conversation started out about this persons whorish ways and when I say whorish I mean WHORISH. I know you guys are like what do I mean when I say WHORISH well let me break it down this person will screw anything that has a stick whether they are a top or a bottom ( Top= a person that gives Bottom= a person that receives) gets gangbanged, goes to sex clubs, and GOD only knows what else, but to top it all off this person is not using protection!!!!!!!!! A NO NO NOWADAYS! I am not saying I am perfect I have done somethings and experienced many things but you live and you learn, and the one thing I learned was if I am giving myself up to everyone when it comes to real love will there be be enough of me to give to him? NO! I had to step back and realize that everybody is not worthy of your love or body and until this person realizes that TRUE LOVE WILL NEVER HAPPEN! What do you guys think?
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Where the hell I have been well since the last time I posted something my Aunt died, I lost a so called good friendship of another person I considered a brother, the other half has been layed off, I was sick with pneumonia. Let me see is there anything else Oh yeah my car registration was canceled due to lapse insurance ( yes I paid the bill I just switched ins companies ) My license was also suspended, Luckily since last Friday I am legal to drive! Through all this I continue to walk with my head high and never lost my faith. what doesn't kill us will only make us stronger! I promise I promise to do better! LOVE YALL MUAH!
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