Oh yeah and lets not forget the FB gangsters, you know the ones that want to jump on the bandwagon of the person that puts you on blast. You know the ones that patrols the post you comment on so they can have something to say about you or in reference to you! Yes fellow crazies I have been through it all. I even had to go as far as getting my number changed, but what is even more funny the person sent me an email via facebook. Yeah over the last few months I became the enemy to some.
I began to feel like the pretty girl in high school, you know the one's that the fat and ugly girls didn't like for some dumb reason or another! When I first became a member of facebook I loved it! I love the fact that I can connect with my friends that were still in new york, or my family members that I only get to see at family reunions. From time to time when I go on facebook it sadends me to see my old friends picture......it makes me think where would we be if facebook wasn't in the picture! With this being said Yes I am still a facebook users. Sometimes I think I need facebook rehab, But when I post I only post positive energy or words of wisdom. You know putting the postive energy out there so it can come back to me!
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