So this morning I am not feeling it!!! Traffic was annoying and, I get to work 30 min late!! The KICKER is when I get to work my Senior Director says "Damian I have to show you something" she pulls up the company website and it reads" TOBACCO SURCHARGE COMING 2012, starting Jan 1, 2012 ----- University will implement a $50 per person monthly surcharge on medical contributions for faculty and staff who use tobacco products". YES U READ IT RIGHT 50 BUCKS ON TOP OF THE 654.00 PER YEAR THEY CHARGE FOR PARKING!!! YES WE PAY TO PARK........THEY ARE RAPING US!!! I am done!!! SERIOUSLY PEOPLE with all the stress that goes on in departments you want to take smoking away and charge us!!! When it comes to raises we have to wait two years!!! If it wasn't for me needing this Job or having a savings I WOULD BE OUT!!!! TRUST! The good thing in all this I AM QUITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I REFUSE TO GIVE THEM anymore than I have to to!!!
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