Sunday, June 23, 2013
Cancer = Punishment
Omg I feel like I'm about to go crazy !!! I can't go no where with out wearing a mask no one visits me after the first week of calling and checking on me it all died down. My mind is going freaking bonkers . I can say even though I'm in a house full if family I still feel alone . U would think the other half would even come over and keep me company no... which I get no ones life should stop because I have the big C . I know this is gonna be a long journey but hey I'm down with it, I just have to accept what it is and suck it up. This is the first time I have wanted to cry in a week !!
Friday, June 21, 2013
Ever since I found out I have the big "C" I have not slept at night....... Or at all for more then 2 hours . I wonder if I am scared to die and if that is why I don't sleep.............
Thursday, June 20, 2013
What I think hurts the most
Looking in my parents and companion of 7 years eyes and knowing that they want to lose it but won't. It breaks my heart what they do behind close doors I will never know but in front of me they cool like the Jack of spades ......
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Let a mother fucker complain bout there life again I went from juicing, multi-vitamins,and protein shakes ........too pills that curbs vomiting , pain, anti viral....... So the next time you want to complain take a look at me life and I bet you this...what u saw as a problem is no longer that big!!! All we have to do is keep our head to the sky and know with your higher power is in this with you!!! Stay strong prayed up and all that.....'give it a try I bet you won't regret it at all..... Good night
First day in public
But I must get out of the sun it makes my skin burn due to the chemo... Please get me through this GOD!! I'm being stared at like I have MSRD or something . So in my mind I just act like they want to know if I'm a terrorist or a Hebrew and there scared. Not the person that scares u away cause you don't know or even want to take the time to know who is the man that wears the mask .....
A dream
There are times I still wake up an wonder was this whole cancer thing a dream ..... But then I look at my chest and see the port in my chest for the next round of poison that will be placed in my body and realized its not.......Sigh....
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Fuck fuck fuck
Fuck fuck fuck I did good all the way up until they are discharging me. I pucked up everything and now it's starting to feel like winter!! Please say a prayer for me I CAN'T AND I WON'T LOSE THIS FUCKING BATTLE . I guess if I knew what I would of been going through then it won't make it a testimony and after this i sure will have one. This is making me fight harder for life. If I could find ways to party and get high then I can beat this shit!! Night Night
Monday, June 17, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Day 2 of chemo therapy
So now I am on day two of chemo and so far so good thank God !! So far the only thing is I have been extremely exhausted, appetite has in been intact, I'm on the nicotine patch finally praying that I give them things up for once in my life and stick with it! The headaches are still here as a matter of fact I have one as I type, just wish they would go away. I can honestly say I am scared . I read up on chemo and it dawned on me that not only is the chemo killing the cancer cells but also the good ones too!! My immune system is shot , but hey it's either fight back or really go home ya know what i mean Vern ( remember that commercial or show) and I choose to fight back . Please send your prayers and good vibrations this way oh and Dear God , I ask that if I do lose this battle please let me see Beyonce before hand.....Amen
Friday, June 14, 2013
The start of it all.....

Man oh man ...
Hey y'all in My Britney Spears voice so much has happened to me since the last post so I am going to try to give it to u in the short way lmaooooooooooo!! On 6/07/2013 I was informed that I have been growing soft tissue masses on my skull..... Basically Cancer!!! I am now here 7 days later admitted to the hospital to receive aggressive chemo treatment . Here is how it is going to work : 5-6 days of chemo 3 weeks off and repeat for the next 4 months. Am I sacred? HELL FUCKING YEA do I know what the future holds UM OBVIOUSLY NO I WOULD OF KNOW THAT I WAS GOING TO HAVE CANCER LMAOOOOOOOOO. I will be using this blog as a diary and my steps to beating this BITCH CALLED CANCER SO COME TAKE A WALK WITH ME. This pic right here is the port where the medicine will through this bitch hurt like I don't know what!!
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