Sunday, August 26, 2012

National dog day I call it non human


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Men Period

Ok so I guess men do have cycles (PERIOD)  like women!! I am so not in the mood today! I don't want no one coming to my desk asking me anything. I don't want no stupid ass phone calls. I'm just not in the mood!!! I wonder if I am the only male that feels this way. I'm also emotional why I don't know, I just am. There is a part of me that rather punch somebody in the face instead of dealing with the bull crap at work. It's one of them days when I rather be balled up in bed with snacks, and a box of tissue watching The Notebook, or even better Philadelphia ( THAT MOVIE ALWAYS GETS ME)  and ball my eyes out. **SIGH** JUST ONE OF DEM DAYS 

Syleena Johnson & Monifah at SOBs 10/05/11

Is it just me

Why is it that being gay = death ? I wanted to ask Facebook a question : what would u do if u woke up and your wife/lover/significant other was dead ? Meaning reaction!! So then I was asked why would I asked that question with the stigma of being gay ? Meaning most gay men die of aids !! WRONG!! Anyone can die in their sleep, choke on spit , Hell took sleeping pills, heart attack, stroke . Why because a gay man asked this question the first thought is AIDS???? I think that way of thinking is of a closed mind .......Death is a part of life we all have to do it . I do wonder who would cry at my funeral, I do wonder what would be a reaction hearing about my death. We all want to be loved and missed hell I just wonder the reaction would be cause I won't get to see it. Am I wrong for thinking this way am I wrong for thinking about death a subject so taboo. Maybe it's me !!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Money Mayweather REALLY it's not that serious!!! But I do wonder if I had that type of money would I be the same way. When I look at some of the price tags of what some of these celebrities wear I find it outrageous, but then again I guess if I had the money I would make the same purchases. But this pic to me reminds me of a lil lost boy that has to show what he has on order for others to like him. IN OTHER WORDS HE LACKS PERSONALITY !!!!

Act Like You Know

Act Like You Know: When Stevie introduces Joseline to a new artist he is working with, Joseline understand why she is there and not recording in the studio.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Brutal Girl Lumps Up After Taking Hands To The Face Over Twitter Beef

 As I watch this makes me tear up and actul my heart just dropped. The social media was not for this purpose. And whats even more worse is her parent or aunt or older cousin watched this all go down. not one person did anything to break up this matter or diffuse it! I am literally in tears and not a good way

LIL MOUSE-GET SMOKED Official Video DIR. P.NOBLE @MouseMyers

Ok I don't know whats scarier the fact this 13 little boy is rapping about killing people and doing drugs or what his parents are teaching him!!! Our nation is all screwed up, I blame society!

Rhymes with Snitch | Entertainment News | Celebrity Gossip: Rasheeda Reads K. Michelle for Blood

Rhymes with Snitch | Entertainment News | Celebrity Gossip: Rasheeda Reads K. Michelle for Blood: In a recent interview K. Michelle expressed her regrets at not slapping Rasheeda on the last episode of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta after Ra...


I just need to get this out I HATE TRAFFIC!!! Wheeeeeeww I mean come on man I'm around the corner ( it took me a few seconds to spell the word corner) a drive that takes 15 because of traffic it takes 45 min!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


I think about it a lot!!! Yea I know it's hella late and I have to be to work in 6 hours. I'm up hacking up a freaking lung !!! I really need to give up smoking!! Back to death I always wonder how would the other half react waking up to my cold emotionless Body? Would he jump up and scream would freakin ball... Or would he jump up and just stare at my lifeless body? I wonder....


I love a person that cares less about what u think. She smokes what wants she screws who she wants!!! SHE IS A GROWN ASS WOMAN ND SHE CAN DO HAS SHE PLEASES HELL SHE HAS THE MONEY TO DO SO! Do I think she should be a role model no I don't . I think that the people in our communities should be. Parents and Grandparents, big brother and sister . This young lady does not make music for kids she is no longer 17. Society is to blame


When we marry or get into long term relationships ( I like to call it playing house ). I think we forget that we also have to deal with attitudes and yes sometimes it may either hurt our feelings or even upset us. We have to remember we are in it for the long haul not just a fly by night person. People are not something you can just throw away like a piece of gum when we get tired of its flavor. It's hard as hell but if we love the individual unconditionally then we have to learn how to accept them short Cummings and all!! I am not only posting this for others but also myself!! Man I tell ya relationships are hard work and like full time job but I wouldn't trade it in for anything in this world

Sunday dinner

Curry chicken/chick peas
White rice infused with cilantro and green onions
Collard greenland stuffing
Cooking makes me happy if I could do this as a living it would be perfect.P Cooking is also therapy for me an a way to relax

My two babies

These two bring me happiness ❤❤❤❤

Professional help

Ok so I have been having these thoughts and yes sometimes they do include hurting myself. I guess as long as I don't act on it right??? But there is a part of me that feels if I was no longer here that others in my life would be better off! I know this is deep but I honestly cannot talk to anyone else out there. I think I need to seek professional help so I can get these thoughts out. I kind of look at this blog as therapy for me u know kinda like a diary that I barely use . And also you know what they say if you put it out there in the atmosphere u release it!!! Just know this blog world a brother is tired!!!


Dear GOD,

The say ask and u shall receive well for the last few months my life has been spiraling out of control. There have been countless times I asked you for help and to deliver me but I'm sorry to say this GOD but sometimes I feel like it's falling on death ears!!! I need you more and no one else knows this than you and I !!!! I ask you god to come in my life and heart!!! I'm waiting for the setup of a comeback. I don't want you to think I am not grateful for the blessings you already have placed in my life and I thank you for it not as I should and maybe that's the problem!!! Maybe I just answered my own question I need to give you more in order for you to keep working on me? I don't know just know this GOD I am asking for your help love your child Damian. Amen