Friday, May 25, 2012
I can honestly say I live a boring life and when I feel like this way it only brings me trouble!!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
There are certain situations that happen in our lives that we have no control over we have too accept what it is and leave everything in our higher powers hands nd not think but KNOW THAT EVERYTHING WILL BE OK... Sometimes we have to laugh to keep from crying... So at the moment I am rolling on the floor, but deep down inside I want to cry nd rip someone's head off!!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
I am so happy and proud that our First African American President is reconizing same-sex marriage. He heard the LGBT communities cry. Others oppose, saying that a marriage should be sacred between one man and woman. It appears to me that the straight communtiy is upset because this was the one thing they had left that was there own but um "CAN THE LGBT COMMUNITY LIVE????". Why wouldnt you want us to share the anguish of divorce and infidelity, heart break and get what is due when we fry each other in court. It's funny how the str8's only quote the bible when it fits a situation they dont like but never in their own!!! THE HIGHER POWER I SERVE AND BELIEVE IN GOD WOULD NEVER CONDEMN A HUMAN BEING FOR LOVING AND CARING FOR ANOTHER THAT WAS NOT HIS TEACHING!!! BEING A HOMOSEXUAL DOES NOT MEAN WE ARE MOLESTERS!!! EVERYDAY A WOMAN IS GETTING RAPE, AN INNOCENT PERSON IS BEING SHOT AND KILLED, A CHILD IS BEING BEAT FOR NO REASON AT ALL BUT THE WORLD WANTS TO BURN THE LGBT COMMUNITY FOR LOVING ANOTHER!!! LIKE REALLY UGHHHHHHH! MY HAT GOES OFF TO MY PRESIDENT AND THE GOALS HE HAS ACCOMPLISHED WHILE IN OFFICE!!! What say you my fellow crazies????
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Dekalb county sucks and there police too!!!
Ughhhhh I'm sitting here waiting to be assigned probation for 2 tickets. One is for a suspended license which is a damn lie I have a limited permit, I can drive back and forth to work but the gay female officer wasn't listening and she towed my car. Second ticket is for making a wrong left turn during the wrong hours 7-9 am ughhhhhhhh I'm really starting to hate georgia like really!!! Up north NY to be exact we don't have to go through this bull shit!! OH AND I LEFT THIS OUT THE FEMALE OFFICER ALSO ARRESTED ME!!!! SO NOT ONLY DO I HATE DEKALB COUNTY BUT ALSO GAY FEMALE OFFICERS AND SHORT MALE CORRECTION OFFICERS ALL U GUYS SUCK!! I'm done venting!!!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Back in bizness
Hey fellow crazies I am back I know it's been a min but think GOD I'm still here I's here ( in my whoopi voice ) so much to catch up on !!! ❤❤❤❤
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