Wednesday, June 30, 2010
I can honestly say today I miss my BFF'S! It has been 2 months since I spoke with them I have seen them but we didnt speak...ughhhhhhh. Yes I am frustrated, I am frustrated because we are no longer friends over a stupid reason I think....see I dont even know why we are not speaking. I just wish as adults they would of came to me to clear the matter up but they didnt. What else gets me is after we stopped speaking he continues to tell my personal bizness...and when I say personal I mean personal how can I ......Well I guess if I can take back a cheating boyfriend I can accept there friendship again...But I dont think I can! We use to sit on the phone for hours chopping it up about nothing or going to the mall....THOSE WERE THE DAYS!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Okay so the battle begins between the creatures of Boondocks and Tyler Perry for an episode that made Tyler look like a flamboyant gay dude - who SEXUALLY HARASSED all the men around him. Um Mr. Perry leave it alone if this is true. You will make people question you more about your sexuality. Why do you care what others think you are making your money and doing the damn thing just be like every other closeted homo in Hollywood and Leave it alone!
Why did they do that to Ms. Sophia!
Hello Good Morning (Remix)
One of the my other fav's from the BET awards Diddy and the Gurls did there thing, and the BEAT IS KNOCKING! SO HELLOOOOO GODDDDD MORNINGGGGGGGGGGGG!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Chris Brown BET Awards 2010 - Michael Jackson Tribute
I must say this was the best performance of the BET AWARDS 10! I pray that everyone will give him a break! YOU GO BOI!
Friday, June 25, 2010
WTF NE-YO is expecting child
Remembering the King of POP!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Okay I AM AS GAY AS THEY COME! Will not be with a female or even entertain the thought of being with one but if i had a choice LAWD MS. AMBER does it for me! Call her what you want, but she has game came in as a stripper and leave as a model/socialite come on man! Her swagger is undeniable! Yes she rode on Kanye's coat tails but so what she did what she had to do to get what she had to get! SHE IS MU DIME CHICK OF THE MONTH!
Well where should I began? Okay So as you guy's know I went to FL MEM. Day weekend, well anyway I come back doing well working enjoying life, and then on 6/13/10 I was plagued with pneumonia I know right GASP! Here's the thing I was fine until that Sunday night I fell asleep around11:30 and was awoken by severe pain in my lungs around 1:30. Every time I would inhale the pain would get worst! so being the worry wort I tend to be I could not go to sleep. All sorts of thoughts ran through my head what if my lungs collapse, what if i stop breathing while I sleep so I stayed up till about 5:30am and fell asleep finally, I woke at 8 and went to the ER. When I arrived in the ER it was no one there PERFECT you know how some ER's can be very Grays Anatomy "BUSY" well anyway I go to triage and they take my pressure guess what it was 67/40 yes they rushed me to the back EKG and everything and did everything to raise my pressure and calm my heart! I was admitted and when I tell you I so hate the hospital yes it is suppose to be a place for healing but it turns out to be the opposite when you are able to walk or have use of your limbs. I am not one to stay down if I am able to walk, run, use my hands I will not stay in the room or the bed all DAMN day and they could not understand! Just because I am sick I will not let it get me down I refuse because If I do I will let the illness defeat me...HELL TO THE NAW...NO MAAM! Well anywho I was released on Friday yeah a whole damn week but when I was released Idid not feel like DAMIAN! I was still in pain and short of breath. I went home and did not rest like I should I know I know this boi just cant keep still! I had to go see MY DADDY for father's day GEESH! Monday comes around I call out of work and stay home finally! Tuesday comes around and I go in LAWD it was murder I still had the sharp pain in my lungs and felt weak ughhhhhhhh! I stayed for the day as much as I wanted to leave I didnt! The next day I decided to go back to ER like I got 300 bucks for these damn co pay's but better safe then sorry, and they did the norm blood and xrays and here is why the pain is still here I have PLEURISY which is when the lining of your lungs are inflamed from pneumonia and it can last from 10-14 days ughhhhhhhhhhhh! I know WOW right and when I say painful I mean it is painful I am doing better today thank GOD cause for a minute I thought I was a gonner well not really because I have a purpose here so he is not ready to call me home! Well crazies there it is in a nut shell I will be posting regular! LOVE YALL!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Senior Citizens Exercising
Okay so I go to the gym 5 days out the week while there 2 senior citizen Men are also there exercising. If I would guess I think they have to be in there late 70 early 80's. Now don't get me wrong I commend them for exercising and taking care of there health, my Mother does the same thing, but the one thing that scares the crap out of me is what if one of them have a heart attack in front of me! OMG! I think I would be scared for life! Every time I see them on a treadmill I just picture them passing out on the floor and needing medical attention! It scares me! I know I need to get over it the are probably more healthy and active then me! BUT I CAN'T HELP IT! SICK I KNOW! What are your thoughts on senior's exersising?
Hey Fellow crazies! It has been over a week since I have been letting u guys know what is going on in this crazy head of mines! to be honest nothing, well I cant really say nothing i just been so busy! Vacation with my "SPECIAL FRIEND" in Orlando and you knwo what I loved it. To be honest for a minute I could see myself living there. Of course I was in the tourist location but I LOVED IT! Downtown Disney is not only a place for kids it is alos a place for adults. THE SHOPING was crazy loved every minute of it. I am at the plantaion but I will be posting this week movie reviews and etc...... MISS YALL and see U IN A MIN!
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